Zunism was a pagan religion that originated in Afghanistan. Unlike levies, retinues do not need to be dismissed before declaring war. Retinues are regiments of troops which form a standing army for each ruler. You cannot secretly convert to a heresy via holy sites. Most holy sites are temples, but this decision requires holding the county. You may spend 250 piety to secretly convert to the religion of: How do I change religion in Crusader Kings? Conquer 3 of your religion’s 5 holy cities, get Religious Authority in your own religion to at least 50, make sure you have 750 piety and then hit the reform button on the religion screen. You can currently have the old and new forms of a religion, but if you could add a heresy, one that would have to start completely from the ground up, that would add a whole new level of interest to Pagan reformations. Can you create a religion in Crusader Kings 2? In general, the Dharmic religions of the East like Hinduism and Buddhism are the most tolerant, while the Abrahamic religions of the West like Christianity and Islam are the least tolerant.